IT Security in the Year 2018

Security protocol for IT departments in companies across the country is really big business.  In 2018 and beyond, projections show that more and more businesses are going to expand their monetary resources to help improve their IT security division.  In fact, an estimated amount of 93 billion dollars will be spent on IT security in 2018.  That is a very large amount.  Why the need for such an exorbitant amount?  What will improve, or be included with the increased spending?  Continue reading for some ideas.

Cybersecurity experts believe that some key issues that businesses are focused on this year include: prevention of data loss, security testing of applications, and protection against advanced threats.  Experts also agree that less money will be spent on hardware improvements in 2018 as more companies continue to move towards virtual applications such as the cloud and Software as a Service solutions for their security needs.  One analyst states, “These tools do a much better job blocking exploits, attack vectors, and malware while greatly reducing the attack surface.”  Furthermore, he explains, “such tools don’t require as much constant care and feeding as legacy security controls, or monitoring or analytics systems.”

In order for businesses to properly manage their existing cybersecurity, experts offer this advice: audit the security solutions you currently use, don’t use too many security vendors at one time, and develop deep relationships with security partners you do choose to use.

Begin this year with looking into the programs you already have in place, and decide what is working well for your business’ security, and what isn’t working well.  One expert agrees by stating, “Before consolidating, ripping or replacing, you must have a full idea of the security solutions already being used and have the capabilities these provide.  Once you understand their effectiveness, work to consolidate wherever possible.”  Once you have a good handle on what is being used within your company, then you can add/delete sources as needed.

2018 is quickly getting underway, and this is the perfect time to re-evaluate your business’ IT security strategies.  Consider the system that you already have in place, then consider where you would like to be throughout this entire year, as far as  security is concerned.  The ultimate goal is to provide the most cohesive, productive, manageable protection system that can sustain your company and provide a stabilized, safe environment for your IT department.

If you’d like to discuss your current security strategy and learn about other ways to enhance your business’ systems, contact the team at RedWave Technology Group, LLC for a free consultation.